Stastistical Power Determination
This is a free website you can use to calculate statistical power for your research project.
Significance tests
Statistical Power Determination
Hypothesis Testing - One Sample
Significant difference between sample mean and hypothetical / known value
Significant difference between sample proportion and hypothetical / known value
Hypothesis Testing - Two independent Samples
Significant difference between two sample means
Significant difference between two sample Proportions
Hypothesis Testing - More than Two independent Samples
Significant difference between more than two sample means (ANOVA)
Significant difference between more than two sample proportions (m x n table) (Chi square test of independence)
Significant difference between group proportions and expected / known proortions(Chi square test of Goodness of fit)
Clinical Trial - Superiority Design
Outcome variable: Ratio
Outcome variable: Nominal
Clinical Trial - Non-Inferiority Design
Outcome variable:Ratio
Outcome variable: Nominal
Clinical Trial - Equivalence Design
Outcome variable:Ratio
Outcome variable: Nominal
Case-Control or Cohort Studies
Odds Ratio is Significantly different than 1 (Significant OR)
Relative Risk is Significantly different than 1 (Significant RR)
Simple or Multiple Linear Regression.
Simple or Multiple Linear Regression. (R squared > 0)
Simple or Multiple Linear Regression. (Change in R squared > 0, when more predictors are added.)
Statistical Power Determination: Help
Hypothesis Testing - One Sample
Significant difference between sample mean and hypothetical / known value
Significant difference between sample proportion and hypothetical / known value
Hypothesis Testing - Two independent Samples
Significant difference between two sample means
Significant difference between two sample Proportions
Hypothesis Testing - More than Two independent Samples
Significant difference between more than two sample means (ANOVA)
Significant difference between more than two sample proportions (m x n table) (Chi square test of independence)
Significant difference between group proportions and expected / known proortions(Chi square test of Goodness of fit)
Clinical Trial - Superiority Design
Outcome variable: Ratio
Outcome variable: Nominal
Clinical Trial - Non-Inferiority Design
Outcome variable:Ratio
Outcome variable: Nominal
Clinical Trial - Equivalence Design
Outcome variable:Ratio
Outcome variable: Nominal
Case-Control or Cohort Studies
Odds Ratio is Significantly different than 1 (Significant OR)
Relative Risk is Significantly different than 1 (Significant RR)
Simple or Multiple Linear Regression.
Simple or Multiple Linear Regression. (R squared > 0)
Simple or Multiple Linear Regression. (Change in R squared > 0, when more predictors are added.)
How to cite this website: Mumbare Sachin, 2023, Sample size determination, accessed on xxx, available on
@Sachin Mumbare
Please feel free to contact for any querries.