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Click the appropriate option from below.
Setting Available data
Retrospective study / Case Control study

(Effect size measure = Odds Ratio)
Number of exposed and non-exposed in case group AND control group for each study

Number of exposed and sample size in case group AND control group for each study

Number of non-exposed and sample size in case group AND control group for each study

Odds Ratio and its confidence interval for each study.

Log Odds Ratio and its standard error for each study.

Prospective study / Cohort study / Two arm clinical trial

(Effect Size Measure = Risk Ratio or Relative Risk)
Number of events and non-events in cohort / experimental group AND control group for each study

Number of events and sample size in cohort / experimental group AND control group for each study

Number of non-events and sample size in cohort / experimental group AND control group for each study

Risk Ratio and its confidence interval for each study.

Log Risk Ratio and its standard error for each study.

Two unpaired arms

(Outcome variable = Continuous, Effect Size Measure = Cohen's d, Hedges g, Hedges g*, Glass Delta)
Means, Standard deviations and Sample sizes in both the groups for each study

Difference in means, common SD and Sample Size for each study

Effect Size (Cohen's d, Hedges g* or Glass Delta) and its standard error for each study.

Effect Size (Cohen's d, Hedges g* or Glass Delta) and its confidence interval for each study.

Effect Size (Cohen's d, Hedges g* or Glass Delta) and sample size in each group for each study.

Cross-sectional studies or Prevalence studies

(Effect Size Measure = Prevalence)
Number of events and Sample Size for each study

Prevalence (out of 1) and Sample Size for each study