Chi-square test of Independence


A researcher wants to find whether there is significant association between level of maternal education and birth weight of new borns. The study revealed following findings. Apply an appropriate statistical test whether maternal education and birth weight are independent?

  Illiterate Primary Secondary Graduate Post Graduate Total
Low birth weight babies 10 12 15 9 10 56
Normal birth weight babies 20 25 35 45 55 180
Total 30 27 50 54 65 226


Here, r = 2, c= 5. (Please do not count row or column for totals)

After putting these values, we get following output

Chi Square = 8.153
Degrees of freedom = 4
p = 0.0861
The p value is not significant at alpha = 0.05.

Cramer's V = 0.1859
Phi (Φ) = 0.1859


1. Null hypothesis and Alternate Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis

There is no association between the variables. OR

The distribution of outcomes in groups is independent of groups.

     Alternate Hypothesis

There is significant association between the variables. OR

The distribution of outcomes in groups is dependent on the groups.

2. Test Statistics

A. Based on given observed values in each cell, expected values for each cell are calculated using the formula

                 Ei = RTi * CTi / N.         Where RTi and CTi are the row total and column total for observation i. N is the grand total.

 B. Chi-squares value is calculated using the formuls

 Where Oi and Ei are observed and expected values for each cell.

   C. Alternately Chi-square value can also be calculated directly, without need of expected value, using Mumbare's method.

3. Degrees of freedom

Based on the number of groups (rows: r) and number of colums (c) degrees of freedom(df) is calculated as (r-1)*(c-1)

4. P value

Based on df and calculated chi-square value, p value is calculated using either chi-square table or a software.

5. Interpretation

If p < = alpha, reject the null hypothesi. Accept the alternate hypothsis.
If p > alpha, accept the null hypothesis (study failed to reject NH)

@ Sachin Mumbare